PMI Orientation

This session is designed exclusively for our newest members, offering insights into the benefits, resources, and opportunities available within our dynamic project management community. Whether you've recently joined or are contemplating membership, this orientation is the perfect chance to get acquainted with what our chapter has to offer.

During the orientation, you'll:

  • Gain an understanding of the chapter's mission, goals, and member benefits.
  • Discover various engagement avenues and involvement opportunities.
  • Learn about upcoming events, educational resources, and networking platforms.
  • Meet fellow new members and connect with seasoned professionals in the field.

Our team is dedicated to ensuring that every member feels welcomed and informed about the incredible opportunities within our PMI chapter. Don't miss out on this informative session designed to kickstart your journey with us!

It is no longer possible to register for this event

It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Events

Date: January 31st, 2024

Hour: 6:30PM to 7:15PM

# of PDUs: 0.0


Students: Free

Members: Free

Non members and Guests: Free


virtual (login information to be sent prior to the event)