A project manager certification is the standard by which employers and peers recognize your experience level as a project manager. There are now a
broad diversity of certifications, and the journey to obtain these certifications is rarely linear, with many questions along the way. The good news is that many of us at PMI-Madison have walked this path and are happy to share our experiences, learnings and advice.
This virtual open office hour, held monthly, serves as a safe space to support those interested in working toward their project management certification. Which certification is right for you? Are you doing all of the right things to build toward that certification? Are you learning the skills, or just checking the boxes? Do you have the support that you need, and What support should you expect? Looking for some peer review on your application?
If you are brand new to considering a certification, already working toward your certification and just looking for a check-in and some advice, or anywhere in between please join one of our virtual office hours.
but virtual walk-ins are also welcome.
Meeting ID: 278 665 252 100
Passcode: kZ3dF2B9