How to Report PDUs

PDU Batch Reporting Process

As a member service, PMI Madison/S. Central Wisconsin Chapter can report member PDUs for in-person monthly chapter meetings and Professional Development events. For your PDUs to be reported, you must be a PMI Madison/S. Central Wisconsin Chapter member and must either check in at the welcome table for chapter meetings or have your attendance badge scanned or sign-in for the event and each session. 

When you register for a chapter event, be sure you log in with your logon and password to the website to begin the process. This insures your record will include the PMI ID, your first and last name as it is reflected in the PMI database, making it easier to match records during the batch reporting process.

PDUs will be posted within 10 business days of the chapter event. Email confirmation will be sent to you when the PDU has been approved and posted for the event or session.

Questions? Email

PDU Manual Reporting Process

Instructions on Filing PDUs for a PMI Madison/S. Central Wisconsin Chapter event:

  1. Visit You will be asked to login.
  2. Enter your Username and Password, and click Log In.
  3. Click down arrow next to PDUS and select Report PDUs.
  4. Click the button for Organization Meetings.
  5. Complete the requested information:
    1. Organization/Host: PMI Madison/S. Central Wisconsin Chapter {you can search on part of the name, such as Madison}
    2. Title: [name of the meeting or event] {you can search for part of the title, such as 2020}
    3. Meeting Number: [leave blank]
    4. Date Started and Date Completed: [date of the event]
    5. Rating [optional]
    6. PDUs Claimed: Enter the number of PDUs in each category for the session or event. {this is usually completed for in-person and virtual chapter meetings}
    7. Check the I agree this claim is accurate statement box and click the Submit button.
  6. When the report comes back, print out a copy for your records. If you want to submit more PDU claims, click REPORT ANOTHER CLAIM. If not, you're done!